Useful site for Cad models and dxf

Hey all, I’ve had a lot of people ask me, seen people ask, about CAD models or DXF files. Not only for cnc plasma but for mill and 3D printing. This is kind of a cool site I ran onto while looking for dimensions on a C Wrench.

Here’s the site

They have models for all sorts of panels, enclosures, knobs, tools etc. in several different formats. Looks like it will be a really great resource. I was able to get a dxf for the exact size C Wrench I needed after singing up, imported into fusion perfectly and saved a lot of time. They even have bearings, races and caps modeled. It will save a ton of time to just import a model and design around it. Can you tell I’m excited?..haha.

Hope it’s of use to others.


That site will be useful and save a lot of time.
Thanks for sharing