Finding my profile here

How do I find my profile here on the new forum?

@AK_Marty You can see your profile by clicking on your name in one of your posts.


Thanks @BobD
The original forum had an icon at the top right to access your profile. Maybe someone can re-institute that feature. I don’t keep a list of posts I have made.

Moi je voulais mettre une photo de profil mais je ne vois pas comment le faire

If you look at top right, it is there…maybe your screen is scaled too large to see it?

that’s not my problem, I wanted to put a photo instead of the letter G. but I can’t change it. how should it be done? THANKS

I feel like such a fool, I maximized the browser window and there it is!!

I did the same :+1:t2:
Figured I’d share to ease the pain

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In the top right, click your profile, edit to change pic

I don’t know if it’s because I’m doing it from my phone, but I can’t. I would try from a computer on occasion. Thanks again for coming back.

On my iPhone, click top right, then in red drop down menu, click person silhouette on lower red section, then click preferences on left side in white area, then you can change your image there …hope that helps !

perfect, a big thank you for your help, it’s so much easier when we give you the solution.:wink::wink: