100mm round disc with 4 x 9mm holes base plate

Not to good with g codes atm
can someone let me know if iam close with this one for a simply base plate

; Cut the 4 holes around the edge of the disc
G0 X45 Y10 ; Move to the first hole
G1 Z-0.1 ; Move the torch down to pierce the metal
G1 Z0 ; Move the torch up to the cutting height
G1 X45 Y90 ; Cut to the opposite side of the hole
G1 X55 Y90 ; Cut to the edge of the disc
G1 X55 Y10 ; Cut to the other side of the hole
G1 X45 Y10 ; Cut back to the starting point

G0 X10 Y45 ; Move to the second hole
G1 Z-0.1
G1 Z0
G1 X90 Y45
G1 X90 Y55
G1 X10 Y55
G1 X10 Y45

G0 X55 Y10 ; Move to the third hole
G1 Z-0.1
G1 Z0
G1 X55 Y90
G1 X45 Y90
G1 X45 Y10
G1 X55 Y10

G0 X90 Y45 ; Move to the fourth hole
G1 Z-0.1
G1 Z0
G1 X10 Y45
G1 X10 Y55
G1 X90 Y55
G1 X90 Y45

; Cut the outer edge of the disc
G0 X0 Y0 ; Move to the origin
G1 X100 Y0 ; Move to the right edge
G1 X100 Y100 ; Move to the top edge
G1 X0 Y100 ; Move to the left edge
G1 X0 Y0 ; Move to the origin
M5 ; Turn off plasma torch
M30 ; End of program and return to home

@Geoffiron I’m still learning G code programing myself……. I don’t see any M3 commands in your program to turn the torch on. Just an M5 at the end to shut it off.

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