Arcdroid with X2 Mounted to Eastwood Plasma Table

Preparing my table with the X2. I learned from another Arcdroid owner that widening the foot print of the table would be beneficial to avoid an Arcdroid catastrophe so this is what I came up with.


Your wheel extensions are genius I’m going to be robbing that trick next build.

Thank you Jimmy. I believe in the KISS method. I was trying to design something and then this popped up in my head. What I really like is the height of the table…41"…I’m 6’4 so this height is perfect for me.
Happy New Year.

Getting closer for my first cuts. 60 gal compressor installed, Hooking up air lines, filters, separator, dryer tomorrow for my plasma cutter and made some new additions to my table today. Getting excited to try out the X2.


pick up a couple sand bags from Lowes help keep it up and level also good when you start a fire (don’t ask) you will have something to fight with.

No sandbags needed… All combustibles in the pic will be removed before my first cuts.

That is Nice. I just ordered the X2 for my Arcdroid. I am having a fixture block table cut on a friend’s large Plasma table. My table will be 4’x2’. Then I plan to add a flip up Plasma slat table on the backside of the fixture table with fold down legs to support the slat table. How big of a slat table should I make for the X2 system?