Auto level feature

How do i find auto level on my screen all it has is cut and THC.

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If you have the latest two firmware versions, press and hold the THC icon and it will change to the Auto Level icon. Self explanatory from there. Works well. Just started using it myself.


Ok that worked, now it says i need a code to get back to the THC. Do you happen to know this code?

@Joatmon Shoot an email to Andrew if you want to mess with THC and he’ll send you the code. It is still a Beta feature. Some people have experimented with it. I haven’t

I’ve had to use it because my table is off by a 1/4 inch its worked great for me

Thanks BobD. God bless and have a great day

ThankJdd I want to try it i have a PrimeWeld cut 60. It has a 50-1 voltage divider biilt in and has the CNC plug . Most all of my material is fairly flat. But just want to know if it works for me in case some of my friends bring something over to cut and it is not flat. Have a great day and GOD bless.