Bestarc blowback cutter

Has BESTARC been tried

Just bought the bestarc50 will report back

I’ve got a Bestarc BTC500XP. Easy to connect, just two wires. 1/8” cuts super clean at 45A, 56psi, 1100mm/min. Cutting 1/4 clean was SLOW. 45A, 58psi, 170mm/min. On the plus side it cut 2000mm without stopping or over heating.

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I’ve started with the bestarc BTC650XP, it seems to work fine for a newbie like me. CNC connectors for EZ trigger hookup to the Arcdroid. Plenty of cheap PT-60 consumables available online for the XTP-65 torch provided. The torch cable is a heavy rubber one, stiff enough that you should take care to support it for ease of motion.