When editing some DXF files in Trace I get this weird curve. It only appears if the kerf value is above zero. The lines are all “poly lines” from QCAD. Any ideas?
The DXF file
mathew.dxf (259.3 KB)
When editing some DXF files in Trace I get this weird curve. It only appears if the kerf value is above zero. The lines are all “poly lines” from QCAD. Any ideas?
The DXF file
mathew.dxf (259.3 KB)
Yup this is a tough one with .dxf for the ArcDroid… DXF is a 40 year old format so it comes with a lot of baggage. And sometimes that baggage breaks the Kerf Algorithm.
Make sure you are running the latest version of Simple Trace as we’ve added a lot of little fixes into the software so far that take care of some of this broken kerf baggage.
I’ve forwarded the file to my code as perhaps you’ve found a new bag for us to work around.
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