Error 3 code with formatting

My first post on here and I’m hoping that someone can assist me please

I have purchase 1 new SD card and 1 new USB stick

I have tried to format using the arcdroid directions, as in

  1. Push settings screen
  2. Push touch screen
  3. Push USB format screen
  4. Push USB format 2 screen
  5. A USB error code 3 comes up

Could I please ask how to get this error code 3, away, and format the usb …… I am sure I am doing something wrong

What size is your USB?

I tried 16GB to start with and then as I read more, people suggested 32GB or less is acceptable. So I tried both

Are your drives set as read only, also try formatting on your computer.

I have formatted both the USB and the SD card on the PC and I still get this error code 3 when I try to use the USB
I have purchased two sets of USB and SD card

Are you leaving the SD card in the Droid take it out unplug for a few minutes then try everything

I removed both SD card and the USB and the machine homes, zero’s and I can draw a shape and the machine follows that shape. But I didn’t cut…

Can you advise what the next move is please ?

do you get the error when you plug in the USB or only when formatting it? I just used my usb sticks right out of the box without formatting.

Are you using FAT32 standard when formatting?
You should probably shoot Andrew an email for assistance. Maybe there is a problem with the USB port.

No, it is not just when formatting. please see the attached picture even if i plug the usb into the panel, it comes up with an error

if i then plug in the usb to the panel and the SD card into the machine, i get the same error

Thank you or your thoughts

yes I have formatted both usb and SD card to FAT32 on my PC.

I have sent a couple o emails to Andrew, on the 12 Sept, but waiting on a reply. I guess he is busy with other things…

Thats why I came on here

Thank you for your thoughts

Would anyone else have some advice please ?

Thank you all for your input. problem solved by Andrew…

It was totally my fault. When I purchased the machine, the little reset button was terribly loose, and I disassembled the simple trace screen to see if I could fix the reset button.

When I put the end plate, back onto the screen, I inadvertently, installed the end plate 180 degree… therefore the usb inner part, wasn’t even plugged in.

So please be aware of my mistake

That would certainly cause a problem with the USB port! Glad you were able to figure it out. It would have been helpful troubleshooting if you’d mentioned taking things apart…

BobD you are correct, but all thanks go to Andrew, as he advised me to pull the screen apart to check the wires were all connected and hadn’t come loose…

Upon pulling the screen apart, I found my mistake straight away…