Screen orientation problems

Anyone seen this before?

After updating my firmware to the latest version, I’m now having a problem with the display. The little half circle that represents the arcdroid now appears at the bottom of the screen. The red button at the upper left which I think is supposed to flip the orientation doesn’t do anything. However, while the arcdroid half circle appears at the bottom, the arcdroid itself behaves like its currently positioned at the top. As I moved the torch head around it behaves like the arcdroid is at the top off the screen. Also the orientation of the files I load also correspond to the arcdroid being at the top of the screen. How do I fix this?

Hey, I just mounted my arcdroid so that I’m standing behind the machine as well and wanted to flip it. Hit the arrows and nothing happened…until I homed the machine then the arrows button worked.

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I’m having the same problem. I just shut power off then back on and it was back to normal.