Sheetcam to Arcdroid

Just starting with both Arcdroid and Sheetcam. It appears to me that sheetcam wants to save projects with a .job file extension. Does this format load into Arcdroid? I updated my Arcdroid firmware and Simple Trace software and i don’t seem to be able to get “load” to open the usb to get the file. Probably presenting two different questions here.

There is a bit of a steep learning curve with all this you generally have to figure it out yourself but you’re on the right tracks.

What you need to generate for arcDroid is something called G code and for sheet cam to do that it needs to know what kind of G code Arcdroid wants to accept and to achieve that you have to install a little piece of software into SheetCam called a post processor.

Once you’ve installed the post processor which is available to download from the support download section from this website go to sheet cam and click the “post process” button that will then generate the file arc Droid can interpret as the design on the screen.
You only download the post processor file once and then that is it each time you press “post process” in sheetcam it will generate the Gcode file,

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Thanks for the reply. I did get it downloaded and it works great.

I have installed the post processor provided by arcdroid and it does indeed create a gcode file in sheetcam but every time it produces a 1kb file and does not work on the arcdroid, what have I done wrong.


I have found that if I actually do some work on the dxf file and save it as a job in sheetcam then run the post processor I get the desired result.

Prior to that discovery I was simply loading the dxf and running post processor and each time the file size was 1Kb, will give the gcode files a whirl on the arcdroid later

Sheetcam behaves like this when the licence file isn’t erm… how can I say, “recognised properly” :slight_smile: