Tried installing the new updates and it didn't work

I tried the previous update and getting the same results. I’m hoping it’s something I’m doing wrong loading them to the USB. Yeah I can’t seem anything different with them

If you use facebook there is an Arcdroid group. Maybe ask there.
I’d really like to see a step by step download procedure for non pc users and neophytes….

I posted on there last night. Yeah, I wish there were more videos of how to properly use all of the functions

@radracer I’m sorry you’re having a hard time. I have no other ideas for you. Yeah, hopefully Andrew can shed some light. Best of luck.

Thanks for trying to give some ideas!! I appreciate all the suggestions everyone has posted

Nobody has commented on my screenshot earlier in this thread concerning the dates. It sure seems that on @radracer screenshot with the 12/16 modified dates, it would seem corrupt.
My screenshot taken on 12/15 has various modified dates of what is supposedly the same files.
Have you tried erasing the usb stick and downloading fresh the current update?
On the other hand, the red screen going blank seems like it might be a brick and can’t update regardless.
There must be a hard reset procedure…….

Maybe try unplugging the 110v from the droid. Turn it on for maybe a minute. Turn off, plug in and turn on. Maybe that will get it to boot.

Sometimes the stick is not formatted quite right for Arcdroid.
Try formatting your USB stick and re-copying the updates.

Warning, formatting will erase everything on your USB stick! So copy any files you want to keep to your computer first.

Right click your USB drive, Format…

Make sure the format is set to FAT32 and the allocation size is 4096 bytes or whatever the smallest number of kilobytes you can select:

When it’s done, copy the update files to the stick, it should look like this:

Right click → Eject the stick before removing it from the computer so that it doesn’t get corrupted:

Power on the Arcdroid WITHOUT the USB stick first.
Wait about 10 seconds for the screen to boot or go to the update error message, then insert USB stick.
Wait a couple seconds again (for the stick to power on) and press the Reset button to update.

If update still gets stuck at a certain % for longer than a minute or you still get the error message about icon update required, try another USB stick. 8GB or smaller usually work better than bigger ones.


@iyeremin Awesome post! Exactly what I needed to see how to do the updating task. Feel confident in giving it a whirl now.
Hopefully this helps @radracer too with his problem.
Great first post, thanks for taking the time with the screenshots.
Welcome to the forum.

@iyeremin Your the man! Deserve a gold star for sure.
Got my update installed successfully just now. Can’t wait to work thru the new features. Will have to start a thread on the new functions.

Just discovered Andrew dropped a new video yesterday on conducting an update.
That should have been announced here…… @Andrew


Thank you soooo much!! I was able to get it loaded!! Had to use a different USB stick and format it to 4096 bytes and that seemed to do the trick!!
Now how do I update the firmware?? I tried doing the same thing to the sd card and it won’t load the new update

ppr-2022-05-20a-modified (Aug 24 2022 17:45:45) is the right version info for the latest control firmware, so you should be up to date.
A bit of a mix-up in the version number displayed (2022-05-20a-m) vs the zip filename (2022-08-31a).

ppr-2022-08-24a (Aug 27 2022 11:43:30) in BobD’s screenshot above is the same functionality, just the factory uses a different file so they got a different version info.


Ok, thanks for all of your help and knowledge again!!!

I’m having the same issue with the update FEB 14, 2023.
I have tried formatting the USB, used two different ones (used one for the previous update last year). Have tried to go back to the old update but it’s still stuck on the fonts/word_unicode package. Got to 80% orignally now only goes to 72%…

Any more ideas?
Just tried a third USB - still no good. Am I leaving it too short a time?

Still not working. Left it for an hour…

Just tried the older update again, no difference. 4 x USBs now…

What else can I try? @Andrew This thing is bricked at the moment and totally useless, I really needed to use it yesterday.

Can I do a factory reset somehow?
Can I send the control somewhere (Australia)?..

I used a different smaller USB. I think that was the fix after I figured out how to download it properly

Real simple
Clean out your USB (preferably format it) the. Move Only the TFT70 directory over to it
Then do the reset thing.
It will complete the update and be good as new.

This message pops up when for one reason or another comms with the USB fail mid update. You simple need to give it what it asks for …that’s the TFT70 directory and it’s contents.


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Ok so still no go,

This was the USB before

USB as susggested, also formatted, tried two USBs, 1 x 8GB, 1 x 4GB

After first attempt, just sat at this

Reset without USB

Reset via unplugging

Back to this where it gets to 72%

It no longer says it’s deleting the old file