Anyone try out the 12/7/22 Simple Trace Software update? I don’t seem to have the prompt for the multisided polygon prompt that shows on Instagram. (see pic 1)
I confirmed that the update didn’t take by checking the version on the touchscreen. (pix 2 & 3)
I got the software update to work. As expected it was user error on my behalf. When I extracted the zip file, I had the sub folders & files copied into another folder - not the ROOT DIRECTORY of the USB drive. As a result the Droid could not find the files, and the update couldn’t install. (I obviously forgot that this is how I did the first two update)
The new features are great! This thing keeps getting better & better.
I’d like to nominate Andrew for the Nobel Prize in the Field of Fabrications.
Anyone having trouble installing the January (1/11/23) updates?
I unzipped the compressed file to the root directory of a FAT 32 formatted, 16MB micro SD card. (see pic 1 folder and 6 files)
Inserted into ArcDroid while it was powered off. Turned on the Droid. For a second, the message “Busy processing, please wait…” pops up, and then the “Home” screen pops up.
@Andrew any insight you can share is appreciated. BTW this is the same micro SD card I used for the previous (August) update. After several attempts, I reformatted the card, and still no progress.
Looks like the update download links were mixed up. Fixed now, try re-downloading them.
Simple Trace update for the pendant should be and the firmware for the machine should be