Firmware update

Hello, I can not get the 2024-12-11a Firmware to load, I have read the forums and have tried everything. Had issues with the Simple Trace but it finally loaded. I Formatted the CD card multiple time ( quick and full). Tried at startup and with the rest button multiple times. Anyone any any other tips?

Writing back before I hit the sack but I’ll take a shot so you’re not hanging.

Make sure the micro SD card is completely empty of anything else and formatted to FAT32. Extract all files (unzip) and simply drag them onto the micro SD. Make sure the machine is off before inserting. Then turn on after inserting the micro SD and it should load it up.

That is what I have done multiple times. I went test a cut of an 8" circle and am unable to toggle from the stylus to cut. It Homes, it runs the test in Stylus mode but won’t let me switch to Cutting Mode. Wondering if there is an issue with the unit it self???

I’m just gonna gather more information here. Do you have the stylus still plugged in? Also, do you still have the USB plugged in that contains the simple trace update?

Stylus is not plugged in. There is a USB plugged in, I don’t believe the update is on it. but I am at work now and will have to confirm once I get home. Thanks

Your Firmware is mismatched

You have up to date Firmware on the machine but Simple Trace is from April 1st 2024

this will cause exactly the issue you’re talking about

You need to Update Simpletrace using a USB drive on the screen


Thanks, that worked. Problem was that when you read the screen it said firmware was not updated. But actually firmware is SimpleTrace and the System is what you call firmware. I read that the firmware was updated and the SimpleTrace wasn’t. So I kept trying to update the firmware.

Bumping this subject to the top.

I struggled to complete the December 2024 firmware update on my Arcdroid. I was finally able to get it to load with much trial and error. It’s still unclear to me where things were glitching.

Attempt 1:
Mac with Ventura
Sandisk 32gb Cruzer and Sandisk 32gb Extreme micro SD
I’ve purchased these specifically and used them for the March 2024 firmware update. I recall minor challenges but was finally able to complete the update.

This update, using the same hardware/software I was unable to complete any updates. After many attempts of reformatting, redownloading, trying different unzip software, etc. I started from scratch.

Attempt 2:
I rebuilt my MacBook Pro into Ubuntu/Linux machine. Repeat. No joy.

Attempt 3:
I purchased Sandisk 16gb Ultra micro SD. After several attempts I was finally able to update the machine hardware. No joy with the SimpleTrace update.

Attempt 4:
Many more attempts to reformat, redownload, etc. between both Mac and Linux I was able to begin the SimpleTrace update. I was testing Sandisk 32gb Cruzer, Sandisk 16gb Cruze and a no brand 4gb thumb drive. Only the no name attempted to update SimpleTrace. It froze up several times providing a Font Update Error 1. Swapping between four different thumb drives with the same files, I thought I had bricked my ArcDroid. It froze on a red screen. It said the files were outdated and I needed to insert a USB with the correct files. After several more attempts, file rewrites on the USB, ArcDroid reboots, it began the update process and completed.

At this point, everything appears to updated and I am seeing the expected screens. I have yet to test cut files and the new software features. I began recording video of the updates in hopes of helping others but it became tedious.

Hopefully I am an edge case and/or we can eliminate any struggles others may have. At this point, I’m sticking with “Try, try again.” :slight_smile: I love this little machine.
