Compact tilting ArcDroid cart

Some of you may have purchased the Arcdroid because it’s small and your shop space is as well.
FWIW, here’s a cart I built (out of the cheapest angle iron on earth, old bedframes) to hold it and the plasma that folds up to a 16"x31" size to roll away against the wall. I laid out the dimensions in OnShape when I ordered the machine, with a table a few inches larger than the Arcdroids capacity, and tacked in a piece of 1" thick welded grate for a cutting surface. Since these pic’s I’ve added an arm for the TFT70 and a middle shelf. The bestarc BTC650XP seems to not mind running vertically, and since I’m using an additional air dryer it does not need to drain it’s internal water trap. The control screen is easy to access facing up. The torch cable support telescopes into the cart so it ends up the same height as the upended table, so I can even pile stuff on top of the cart when its stowed.


This is some sick out of the box design. Great work!

Can’t seem to edit to replace the old photos, but here’s what it looks like stowed with lift-off shelf and unfolded with DIY machine torch and a tablet arm. (oops, I’m missing one zip tie at the end of the pivoting cable arm)