I finally wrapped up the fabrication of my downdraft water table. That way i get the best of both world and minimize both dust and gases. I’ve also added a 12 inch riser on it to be able to cut oddball material like tubing etc… let me know what you think ! All and all I got about 80 hrs in it.
Thank you sir ! I ended up using 8 linear bearing and 4 seperate guides. Overkill but since they were from amazon / china I wanted to play it safe. Here are a few more pics
Ended up using 2x2 for the frame. So i made a spacer in my evolution saw and use the depth limiter. The kerf on the blade is 0.94 inch so i drew lines every 1.5 inch, and made a pass on each side of the line for a cut of 0.188 total each. I then ordered 1.5 x 0.188 flat bar, chopped them to lenght and then adjusted their eights using a 0.5in flat bar welded underneath for a flat surface.
I love your table. Enough so to copy it. I need to build 2.
I’m just starting to create a supply list and wondered if you may have kept your material list/plans.
Also, would you have done anything differently, knowing now what you didn’t know then? It’s always nice to see someone go the extra mile with projects. Hope to hear from you.
Thanks in advance for reaching out to me.
Joe Federmann
907-952-4759 joefedermann@gmail.com