Echo Error code

I am having issues with my arc droid, it stops moving mid way through my cuts and the torch stays running until I acknowledge the echo code. I read a few post on here saying that it could be electro magnetic interference. I tried a longer Ethernet cable with shielding, putting the controller in an insulated aluminum box, spreading the cable out, and grounding my table. I am using a Thermal dynamics 52 cut master. Is there something else I can try? Anyone else having the same issues?


Try removing your USB drive from the machine before you start the cut
We have found some of them act as an antenna for EMF and cause things to get a bit messed up.

oddly I’ve had more trouble with the brand name ones than the cheap Chinese stuff


Oddly I’ve picked up radio stations in a unplugged speaker I wonder if Bluetooth signals could interfere? I think to be on the safe side I’ll shutoff unnecessary transmission. Just think about how many transmitters and receive a garage has.