Machine deviating for cut path after tracing

Ok so grass hopper is learning, thanks to the awesome support from arc droid and everyone else on the forum

I do have 2 more questions

  1. The first is i adjusted the tolerance on the smoothing to .1 as suggested by andrew and amp mechanic and it worked great for the uploaded photo, but on another drawing i adjusted the same but now i am getting the linking constraints error as before ans it is eliminating some of my cuts.

  2. If u look at the submitted cutout, there are a bunch of squiggles in some of the cuts, the arm starts to vibrate as its cutting, do you have any solutions

Actually this sort of cyclic “wobble” is often caused not by the Arcdroid but the plasma cutter arc stuttering because it’s moving too slow for the current settings
In the case of the “THE” it is exacerbated by the arc traveling back over empty space.

Try speeding up a bit, you’ll be surprised how much that can help. You can also dial back your current some…you don’t say what your settings are but I’m willing to bet its too high!

Linking constraints are usually related to the lead in/out crossing over your cut line.
If you have a 6mm lead un but the loop you are cutting out is only 5mm wide Fusion will automatically eliminate the toolpath


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