Not cutting square or true

Hi Hope someone can help me with this issue, my arcdroid has started to not cut true squares or circles. I have performed a recalibration several times which helps, but never completely solves the problem . Thanks David


That looks like you might have a loose pulley

Move the arms out to the center somewhere
Tap the Zero Button twice
This will allow you to lock the arms for 30 sec
Give the end a good tug in all directions
There should be some springyness there but no motion without obvious motor skipping
If something does move you need to crack the cover open and look for a slipping pulley.

give us a call is you need help working it out



Thanks Andrew for your quick response, all working well now, although this came up on the screen when I updated the simple trace.



That’s a communication backlog error. nothing really to worry about should go away after reset and unlikely to return

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