Zero resetting location after cut

What is happening is I have a fixture I can mount to my table that allows me to align part blanks in the same location. After locating the blank I load my cut file select my origin and set my Zero. This allows me to do production runs where I just place the part blank hit run, cut part, pull cut part, place new part blank hit run and keep repeating the process. This has been working great. But today was the first time I have used this process since loading in new updates.

It does it regardless if I am running this setup or not. I just noticed it because I was using this set up doing a small production run of the same parts.

I can run a test run with the plasma cutter trigger (lighting bolt) turned off with no issue.
But when the plasma cutter trigger is activated the first cut works perfect but when it finishes the cut and the Z axis start to rise the Zero point jumps off in space somewhere.

I may be wrong but I think issue may have something to do with new updates since I never had issue until after installing them. But that may just be a coincidence. What is odd to me it only resets the Zero if I am actually cutting with the plasma cutter and I do have the parts grounded.

Has anyone else had any issues like this? Any help would greatly be appreciated.

If you watch the video the first 2 runs is with the plasma cutter turned off.
If you watch the x coordinate you will notice it comes back to 0.00 both times.
On the 3rd run the plasma cutter is activated and if you watch the x you will notice it jumps to -182.6 as soon as the z finishes raising up.

This has been happening to me as well!

Thanks for your reply.
I was starting to wonder if it was just me it has been complete crickets since I made this post.
Have you tried anything to resolve or are you pretty confident it has something to do with the new updates.

I am going to try and re
Install the new updates. If that doesn’t fix anything I am going to reinstall the previous firmware and simple trace.

I just called the support phone number and Andrew answered. He feels confident that the issue is with the X2. He recommended me make sure the rail that the X2 pickup thatruns along may have some cutting dust on it causing the issue. He also mentioned I could unplug the X2 to see if the issue goes away.

Ok after I talked with Andrew. I decided not to worry about reinstalling the updates and did as he recommended and cleaned both the rail and magnetic pickup. This resolved the problem I was having. Everything is working fine again.
To be honest the rail and pickup was pretty clean no real visible dust. Even so I ahead cleaned them with soft cloth and compressed air and it fixed the problem.
Lesson learned I will make sure to clean them on a regular basis for now on.

Big thanks to Andrew.