CAD/G code file development

I have Simple Trace down pat. Cannot get a grip on CAD and developing a cut file. I have a project I’d like to do but need someone to do the Arcdroid file for it.
I volunteer for a non profit that is restoring a 1924 Steam locomotive back to service. I would like to cut out our logo from various scrap bits to use as fund raiser items.
I imagine this is pretty straight forward for someone that knows what they are doing……
So, anyone interested in helping out a worthy endeavor??
The logo will have to be tweaked some so it stays together.

If you have some time, I’m happy to play with it

@mtw1 That would be awesome! Really appreciate it. There is no hurry, work on it when you can.

Bob, this is cleaned up a bunch, removed all the extra lines, and it better, but the font isn’t conducive to cutting out, as there will be a bit of drop outs, I tried breaking it up some to keep it attached, but I am at me limited F360 ability…I hope you can get it dialed in better.

Train Logo v2.dxf (343.0 KB)

@mtw1 Thanks so much for the effort and time you put into this. Looks pretty good. Have to figure out how to add some stencil tabs to a few letters to hold the inner bits together. Maybe even out the tabs of the outline to four alike and fairly small.
It is a really good start.

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