I cannot get my machine to cut a straight line. My calibration shows that it is good, I have zero deletes, zero shifts and an error of .231 ( I have calibrated many times, always restoring factory settings before calibrating). I know my issue is not material warping because it will run an identical, slightly curved line, with a marker in-place of the stylus. I have also started noticing that even my designs come out slightly curved, its harder to see than a straight line but does show up. I have also done a belt tension test and it appears to be good as well. I’m starting to think the math is not correct with stepper motors of the machine. I have reached out to Andrew but haven’t heard back. I have a lot of custom sign orders for Christmas and would really like to get this issue resolved, so I don’t have to cut by hand, any suggestions would be much appreciated.
Hey there
Sorry I missed your email.
There are a couple things that can cause the curved line
1st. Is calibration issues but sounds like you have a really clean calibration in place.
2nd is mechanical interference
- Make sure your belts are both tight. https://youtu.be/iPsAKDX8_WI?si=CF8CHhelG4fUmhQy
- make sure that the red drive arm is both snug (screw on the back side) and not dislodged and rubbing on the black arm
- ensure your torch cables are free to move across the entire area of movement
3rd You can up the driver current a little to provide better positional holding. Particularly if you have a large heave CNC style torch on the machine.
Go to Settings->Machine settings->Driver Current->adjust X and Y to 1850 save on the way out
hope this helps
Thank you Andrew, I will give those things a try. I appreciate the response!
I checked all the things in your list and adjusted the driver current but it didn’t seem to change anything. It really seems like a calibration issue but it shows it being good, I checked the straightness of the calibration square and it looks good as well. Here is a picture of my latest calibration data. Do you see anything in there that could be an issue?