Need help connecting plasma to arcdroid!

Hey Guys,

Newb here so be gentle!
Bought an Arcfony CUT53N Pro as it has a"plug and play" way to connect it to the arcdroid.

Problem is you have to explain things in crayon to me and the plasma cutter instructions don’t make sense to me (shocking!)

I just don’t want to mess up my brand new Arcdroid before I get started so could someone explain in laymen’s terms how to connect the 4 wires from this 5 pin connector (:face_with_monocle:) to the back of the Arcdroid that only has 2 ports

Pics attached


Did you ever get any answers? I’m ready to start jumping wires to see if I can get it to work or blow it up. It will be the 5 pin connector and I did find out that hooking wires 2 and 3 to the arcdroid did get the ignition arc but it times out so I’m thinking I have to get a switch link between 4 and 5 to keep it cutting.

ukaviator had emailed me, sent pics of his instructions. Looks like pins 2 and 3 of the 5 pin connector are the torch trigger, hook those up to the trigger on the arcdroid. (There is no polarity). That’s it. The others are not used.

To use the THC down the road, you’ll need a 50:1 voltage divider and that will use the other 2 pin connector. I’ll have more dividers up on my site in the new year including a more cost effective lite version.

Yes use the 5 pin. Leave the 2 black wires alone just use the 2 red ones.

One should be from pin 2 and the other pin 3. Connect those wires to the back of the ArcDroid and you are good to go

It will time out unless the unit senses it’s actually cutting something - just holding it in the air will make it time out after a few seconds

thanks, I’m making sparks and slag so just have to dial it in.

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