Table vs. Arcdroid level

How “level” should the Arcdroid and table be? .1 degree? .2 Degree? How about the level of one vs the other?

What your trying to achieve is keeping the plasma tip the same height above the workpiece throughout the X and Y travel. If your cutting a small piece the level can be pretty far out. If your making a 18” cut you need it pretty close.
Cheap torpedo level will get you pretty close. Make sure you swap level ends to see any discrepancy of the level appears. I have a decent round bubble level that lives on the arm joint for quick reference.
An easy way to see what is going on between the Droid and the work surface is to put good flat material on your table. Bigger is better. Find something for a gauge block, a washer, a piece of metal, anything maybe 1/4” thick. Move the arm to the center of the work area, bring the stylus down to just touch the master or a whisker above it.
Don’t move the Z. Move the arm my hand a sweep different areas of its range. See how your gauge block fits. Adjust your elevation base nuts on the studs you should be using. Work left to right and then in out over your work area. You can get really accurate this way with no fancy tools or questionable levels.
Steady cutting height is pretty important. The Droids leveling correction works pretty well but the closer you can get it the better.
How close? Can’t say degree wise…… if you can keep the torch height within .030” over your cutting area your pretty good. The important thing is not having the torch drag when cutting.

Ultimately as long as your arcdroid and table are aligned with each other it doesn’t matter how level the table is so long as they are on the same plane. If you have a water table under neath though at some point that is going to matter a fair amount.